Men Hair Lose (Baldness)
For millions of men all across the world, regardless of culture, class, nationality, religion, or color, hair loss is an unavoidable aspect of growing older. There are those fortunate men who never seem to lose a single hair and take their full head of hair well into their 70s and 80s, but for the vast majority of men, losing their hair is a problem they begin to face in their 40s or 50s, or even earlier for some people.
There are a number of causes behind male hair loss, including male pattern baldness, alopecia, fungal infections, and psychological disorders, as a result of chemotherapy, nutrient deficiencies, or hormonal imbalances. Also, a lack of circulation on the scalp can also cause hair loss in men.
There are a number of causes behind male hair loss, including male pattern baldness, alopecia, fungal infections, and psychological disorders, as a result of chemotherapy, nutrient deficiencies, or hormonal imbalances. Also, a lack of circulation on the scalp can also cause hair loss in men.
Hair Loss
It is important to note that hair loss occurs in women as well, for some similar reasons, but also some different ones. We will cover hair loss in women in a separate article. Men are the predominant gender that suffers from this health condition, particularly male pattern baldness and early onset hair loss from age 20-40.
Causes Of Hair Loss In Men (Baldness)
Whatever the cause of male hair loss, which can often lead to baldness, it is an annoying reality of life. However, what if there was some way to slow down the rate of hair loss, or even stimulate the hair follicles to begin producing hair again? I think that would be wonderfully valuable advice for those desperate men around the globe who are tired of combing over their remaining hair, or even resorting to a toupee to hide their thinning dome.
However, since we know many of the causes behind hair loss, that means we also understand how to prevent it, by fixing or treating those conditions. Hair loss is often a side effect of something else, so if you are able to fix the fundamental problem, then you will likely be able to fix your hair loss problems as well.
How To Get Rid Of Hair Loss?
Some of the home remedies to stop hair loss in men include the use of oil massage, coconut milk, eggs, avocados, orange juice, Aloe Vera, neem paste, henna, mayonnaise, honey, black pepper, vinegar, and lemon juice, as well as cutting back on red meat, eating nuts and brown rice, boosting B-complex vitamin intake, and maintaining good thyroid health.
Home Remedies for Hair Loss in Men (Baldness)
Hair loss home remedies are a combination of dietary choices and activities that can boost your hair growth and reduce the rate of hair loss in your life, leaving you with a thick head of hair for years to come.
1. Scalp Massage With Essential Oils
This is one of the most time-tested remedies for hair loss, because one of the main causes of hair loss in men is a lack of circulation of blood. Blood brings important oxygen to the hair follicles, which is essential in stimulating and maintaining growth of hair. Therefore, regular scalp massages can help to keep your circulation high and bring those important elements to the scalp. This can be a daily practice that men can use to increase their hair growth in areas where they have begun to go bald.
Those who have been experiencing hair loss for quite some time must massage the scalp with essential oil for couple of minutes. It helps your hair follicles remain active. You can add lavender in an almond or sesame oil.
2. Egg Hair Mask
While there are plenty of things you can eat to make your hair healthy, there is also plenty of food you can put on your hair that also helps it grow. Eggs are very high in protein, which helps to keep hair thick and strong. By whisking a few eggs and creating a paste, you can rub it through your hair and let it sit for a few minutes before washing it out. This can be a great way of packing protein into your hair for a healthier shine and volume.
3. Coconut Milk For Hair
Coconut milk is rich in nutrients and vitamins that your hair needs to grow. Also, it can keep both your hair and your follicles healthy; thereby helping you keep the hair you have and even grow some new hair back. Coconut oil and coconut milk can both be implemented on the skin of the scalp (topically) or consumed in the form of food and drink, so there is no reason why you can’t get these benefits in some way.
4. Garlic Juice, Onion Juice Or Ginger Juice
Rub one of the juices on your scalp, leave it overnight and wash it out in the morning. Do it regularly for a week and you will see noticeable result.5. Rub Green Tea Into Your Hair
Studies have shown that rubbing green tea into hair may help curb hair loss problem. All you need to do is brew two bags of green tea in one cup of water, leave to cool and thereafter, apply it to your hair. Rinse your hair thoroughly after an hour. To see results, practice this regularly for a week to ten days.6. Antioxidant Potential
Certain fruits and vegetables are packed with antioxidants, which are the leading defensive mechanisms of the body against free radicals. Some of the conditions that free radicals can cause include premature aging and the death of skin cells, including those of the scalp. Therefore, fruits and vegetables like bananas, avocados, orange juice, lemon juice, and honey can always be applied to the hair, used in the form of a short wash. These various pulps can quickly boost your hair’s growth potential!
7. Black Pepper For Hair
Mixing a few teaspoons of black pepper with a few ounces of yoghurt can be a good paste for your hair. Mix the two together well and rub it into your hair as you would a normal shampoo. Rinse it out after a few minutes, and then wash it out with a mild shampoo.
8. Vinegar Benefits For Hair
Vinegar has a number of beneficial nutrients, including potassium and certain other enzymes that help promote hair growth and also prevents dandruff. Dandruff can clog the hair follicles and the pores, making hair growth impossible. By eliminating that dandruff problem, vinegar can allow the hair to begin growing again.
9. Reduce Red Meat Intake
Sebum blocking the hair follicles and the pores is a big problem that causes hair loss. However, certain studies have shown a positive connection between animal fat intake and an increase in sebum production. This might mean that cutting down on your red meat will help lower that sebum level and allow your hair to grow unhindered.
10. Improve Thyroid Health
If you suffer from hypothyroidism, then you need to improve it. A way to increase your iodine levels is to add sea vegetables like kelp, noru, kombu, and wakame. These might not be the easiest foods to access, depending on your location, but if you can get a hold of them, make sure to eat them regularly to increase your thyroid hormone production. Hormonal imbalances are a big cause of hair loss, so maintaining proper hormonal activity is important to keep your hair looking great as you get older, but also while you’re young.
11. Biotin Boost
Biotin is a type of intestinal bacteria that can actually help increase your hair growth. Foods that contain biotin include nuts and brown rice, so adding these to your daily diet can really help to improve your hair growth.
Tips To Stop Hair Loss:
Here are helpful tips to help reduce hair loss in men.
1. Wash Your Hair Regularly-With Mild Shampoo
Regular hair washing is a part of preventing hair loss by the way of keeping hair and scalp clean. Doing so, you are lowering the risk of infections and dandruff that may lead to hair breakage or loss. Moreover, clean hair gives the impression of more volume.2. Vitamin For Hair Loss
Vitamins are not only healthy for overall well being but also good for your hair. Vitamin A encourages healthy production of sebum in the scalp, vitamin E betters blood circulation in the scalp to help hair follicles remain productive and vitamin B helps hair maintain its healthy color.3. Avoid Brushing Wet Hair
When hair is wet, it is in its weakest state. So avoid brushing wet hair because the chances of hair loss increase. But if you must comb wet hair, use a very wide-toothed comb. Also avoid brushing hair too frequently as doing so can injure hair and increase loss. Use your fingers to undo tangles, not a comb or brush.4. Enrich Your Diet With Protein
Eating lean meats, fish, soy or other proteins promotes hair health and in turn helps curb hair loss.5. Keep Yourself Hydrated
The hair shaft comprises one quarter water so drink at least four to eight cups of water in a day to stay hydrated and for the growth of healthy hair.6. Reduce Alcoholic Beverages
If you are experiencing hair loss than lessen your alcohol intake because drinking alcohol reduces hair growth. So decrease or eliminate alcohol to see an increase in hair growth.7. Avoid Smoking
Smoking cigarettes reduces the amount of blood that flows to the scalp and this causes a reduction in hair growth.8. Avoid Rubbing Your Hair
If you want to keep hair healthy, you must know how to take care of them. Avoid rubbing your hair dry with a towel. Rather, let hair dry naturally.9. Add Physical Activity To Daily Routine
Make time for physical activity every day. Walk, swim or bike for 30 minutes a day helps balance hormonal levels, reducing stress levels besides reducing hair fall.10. Keep Yourself Stress Free
Studies in the past have found medical evidence to link stress with hair loss. De-stress yourself; one of the ways of doing it is by practicing meditation. Alternative therapies such as meditation and yoga not only reduce stress but restores hormonal balance.11. Avoid Constant Heating & Drying
Don't subject your hair to frequent, constant heating and drying procedures. Heat weakens hair proteins, and constant heating and drying can lead to weakness and fragility that causes hair loss.12. Keep Your Head Sweat Free
Men with oily hair, experience dandruff during summer due to sweating and the chances of hair fall increases. Using shampoos that contains aloe vera and neem can keep the head cool and prevent from dandruff.Also, men who wear helmet experience major hair loss in summer. As the sweat accumulates in the pores and weakens hair roots causing hair loss in men. So wearing a scarf/ bandanna over your hair or a terry cloth headband can prevent hair loss.
13. Change How You Style Your Hair (For Men With Long Hair)
If you are losing your hair lately, you must loosen up your hair. Hairstyles such as ponytails, braids and artificial hairstyles pull hair or tug hair follicles, and can eventually cause baldness.14. Take Care Of Your Health
Health problems are harbingers of hair loss. Ensure you deal with chronic illnesses, high fevers and infections properly to ensure healthy hair.15. Keep Away From Chemicals
Harsh chemicals and permanent hair color products could be damaging for hair health. When you are experiencing hair loss, it is advised not to color your hair.